St. David’s has a robust and diverse offering of ministries which provide many ways for you to engage in the common life of this community and for you to develop and deepen your faith.

Our Ministries

If you are interested in joining a ministry group or getting more information, please fill out the form below or email

  • The Altar Guild works with the Worship Team to create a sacred space that calls the people to worship and that supports the community in their shared work of worship. This group also cares for liturgical linens, altar hangings, vestments, vessels, and candles. Each Altar Guild team serves once a month. Contact: Jan Champlin [].

  • Bread Bakers make home-made gluten-free bread for the weekly Eucharist at Saint David’s. Bakers rotate on a monthly basis. If you enjoy baking and are looking for a meaningful and fulfilling way to contribute to Saint David’s, consider joining this ministry. Contact: Garrett Smith [].

  • Godly Play uses a Montessori based approach to teach children about the Bible. Specially focused for children from 3 to 12 years old, this program introduces children to important stories and people from the Bible. Each week, children are invited to wonder about those, and to respond to the mysteries those stories express. Doorkeepers (teaching assistants) welcome children to the classroom each week. Storytellers offer sacred lessons and stories. Sessions begin in Gryphon Hall at 9:30 on Sunday mornings during the academic year, and the children return to church before the Eucharist. To learn more or to find out how you or your child can participate, contact: Vicky Hipkin [] or Melody Smith [].

  • The Episcopal Church Women (aka, “ECW”) provide fellowship and education for members and friends of Saint David’s; pastoral care to each other; and financial support to the wider church community. All are welcome. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 12:00 noon in the Undercroft. Contact: Nancy Sheplor [].

  • Members of the Flower Ministry enhance the worship space by offering and arranging flowers and other greenery each week. Often, people bring flowers from their own gardens or from the gardens of friends on the island. People also purchase flowers from one of the local grocery stores or seasonal farmers markets. Like prayer or music, this ministry offers a unique way to engage creatively with a spiritual practice. Contact: Richard Lind [].

  • The Buildings and Grounds Ministry stewards the physical assets of Saint David’s. That includes taking care of minor maintenance in the main church building and at Gryphon Hall, caring for the grounds (including the compost project), and prioritizing and coordinating more significant facilities projects with the Finance Committee and Vestry. Starting in 2024, someone from this group will also serve as the liaison between Saint David’s and the tenant leasing the residence at Gryphon Hall. Contact: Nancy Heacox (for questions about the compost project) [], or John Thompson [] or Richard Lind [] for all other questions.

  • Music is a core part of Anglican liturgy, with its primary function being to assist the congregational choir in the singing of hymns and other service music. The Music Ministry at Saint David’s strives to fill that important role in the liturgies of the parish. The Choir is made up of over fifteen dedicated singers who rehearse weekly, arriving early on Sunday mornings to prepare to lead the music. Offertory anthems from a wide variety of musical styles and compositional periods are sung to highlight the scriptures and themes of the day. Hymns and anthems for each Sunday are chosen to reflect the lectionary texts, the collects of the day, liturgical acts, and liturgical seasons. The Choir rehearses every Thursday from September to June from 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM. The Choir is a crucial partner, facilitating congregational singing during worship on Sunday mornings as for special liturgies on Christmas Eve, The Great Vigil of Easter, and Choral Evensong. All who are interested in participating are welcome to sing. Adult singers and young people (at least ten years old) are encouraged to add their voices to the choir. Jenepher Reeves serves as Choir Accompanist, with the additional responsibilities for performing preludes and postludes. Richard Lind serves as Director of Music. Working in close partnership with the rector, he selects the hymns, service music, and anthems; directs the choir; accompanies the hymns and service music on the organ or piano; and performs preludes and postludes as needed. Come, make a joyful noise to the Lord! Contact: Richard Lind [].

  • Liturgical Ministers at Saint David’s include Eucharistic ministers, worship assistants, lectors, and ushers. Eucharistic Ministers assist in many ways during the service, including serving as a chalice bearer, carrying the cross, reading a psalm, and helping set the table during the Eucharist. This is a “licensed ministry” which means those who serve receive periodic training and a certificate from the Bishop. Worship assistants serve at the 8am service on Sunday mornings and prepare the space for worship, lead the psalm, and read a lesson and prayers. No special certification is needed for this ministry. Lectors read a lesson from either the Old or New Testament during a Eucharist. See the Hospitality section for information about ushers. At least once a year, all liturgical ministers meet for training, ask questions, and practice. Contact: Nancy Heacox [] or The Rev. Cristi Chapman [].

  • The people of Saint David’s are known for their warm welcome and gracious hospitality. The Hospitality Ministry includes ushers and greeters; Zoom hosts; and coffee hour hosts.

    Coffee Hour Hosts One of the ways that welcome and hospitality happens is through coffee hour. Every week after church, we gather in the Undercroft for conversation, snacks, and coffee. Thanks to a small group of faithful and dedicated people, each week this event happens. This year, that group is interested in your ideas and help how to keep this ministry fresh and vibrant. Many hands make light work, especially for coffee hour! If you have an idea or are interested in learning more about this ministry, contact: TBD!

    Ushers and Greeters support the congregation during worship services by welcoming everyone, providing written materials needed during the service, ensuring each person who desires it receives Holy Communion, collecting offerings and preparing a bank deposit after the service. Contact: Nancy Heacox [].

    Zoom Hosts operate the Zoom application on a laptop to admit remote parishioners. Note: setup assistance will be provided. Contact: Nancy Heacox [].

  • The Pastoral Care Ministry Team, in collaboration with and under the guidance of the rector, provides spiritual support, social contact, and emotional comfort to parishioners and friends of Saint David’s. Part of that care includes sending cards to everyone at Saint David's on their birthdays and at Christmas. The team meets monthly to discuss the needs of the community and coordinate care. Contact: Stephanie Butler [], The Rev. Cristi Chapman [], Nancy Heacox [], Darleen Nixon [], Nancy Sheplor [], Mariluz Villa [], or Carol Waxman [].